Features a family portrait of colorful cats. All the cats have distinctive colors and patterns. Challenging jigsaw puzzle to solve.
Cat Family Reunion, Gather Around For a Colorful Portrait

Features a family portrait of colorful cats. All the cats have distinctive colors and patterns. Challenging jigsaw puzzle to solve.
Features a cobblestone street lined with Parisian buildings, cafes, and terraces. Bright and colorful illustration that elicit wonderful memories of time spent in Paris. Moderately challenging puzzle with good balance of distinctive and repetitive patterns.
From personal experience nothing beats doughnuts on a dreary day. Unusual dreary realism versus typical upbeat primitive style from Charles Wysocki. Moderately challenging puzzle great on cold days.
Explores the back canals of Venice away from the touristy spots. Features famous Venetian landmarks and iconic imageries. Straightforward and relative fast solve for 750pc puzzle.
Confusing title for an illustrator specializing in Americana imagery. Illustration depicts busy commercial street during mid-1860s. Moderately challenging Charles Wysocki puzzle.