The Cake Shed is a 1000 piece Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle and it number five puzzle in the My Haven Collection. We have heard great things about Ravensburger jigsaw puzzles and was excited to solve a Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle for the first time. In addition, The Cake Shed is our fourth puzzle from the huge 87 puzzle collection. Watch twins’ review and time lapse build of the puzzle.
Title: The Cake Shed, My Haven No. 5
Pieces: 1000
Artist: Steve Read
Size: 27in x 20in or 70cm x 50cm
Company: Ravensburger
Year Printed: 2018
The illustration depicts a studio where cakes are decorated for different occasions, such as weddings, birthdays, etc. It is full of bright colors, distinctive patterns, and very few repetitive patterns. Overall, we chose this Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle first to work on as it has Chloe’s name on one of the cakes.

The Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle is definitely of premium quality from the thickness of the pieces to how well the pieces interlock together. The puzzle piece is made of light blue chipboard. On close inspection, the illustration is printed on fine linen paper and not on matte paper. The pieces interlock well together for crisp clean lines, but tight enough that you can lift the entire puzzle up. Watch Chloe lift solved puzzle up. In addition, the puzzle includes a poster insert so that multiple puzzlers can work together without having to crowd around the puzzle box cover.
The Cake Shed is a standard rectangle puzzle and of average difficulty. The illustration contains enough distinctive versus repetitive patterns to help puzzlers. For example, distinctive patterns consist of the purple sofa, blue door, green cabinet, cakes, blue windows and doorway. While the main repetitive pattern was the pink wall. It took around three hours for three people to complete the puzzle.
Our plan for solving the puzzle was to first sort by border pieces and pieces with distinctive patterns, such as the purple sofa, green cabinets, pinkish walls, blue door and windows, and specific cakes. Next, we assembled the border, purple sofa, green cabinet and shelf, and blue window frame. The pink walls were the hardest and last to be solved. Overall, a fun puzzle for people who like cakes.
If there are other Ravensburger jigsaw puzzles that you want us to review, then leave us a comment.