Craigslist is a great place to look for jigsaw puzzles. We have found great deals and all different kinds of puzzles on Craigslist. Recently, we safely bought a puzzle collection of 87 jigsaw puzzles from a single seller on Craigslist. Here are our tips for finding and safely buying jigsaw puzzles on Craigslist.
How do I find jigsaw puzzles on Craigslist?
The key to finding things on Craigslist is to know which keywords to search for. Luckily for us, the list of keywords is pretty small, specifically puzzles or jigsaw puzzle. However, Craigslist search is defaulted to exact match, which only shows listings with the same exact spelling in it. For example, if you search for jigsaw puzzle, Craigslist will only return listings that have the exact spelling, jigsaw puzzle, in it.

Any listings that only use the plural version, jigsaw puzzles, will not be displayed, unless search for specifically.

To save time, use the following keyword search phase: jigsaw puzzle*. The asterisk (*) is a wild card and will match words that starts with “puzzle” and any other characters that may follow it, like “puzzles” or “puzzler”.

Furthermore, if you want to expand your search for more listings, then use puzzle* -jigsaw. This will show any listings with words that start with “puzzle” but without “jigsaw” in it. The minus (-) symbol excludes word. This search helps to view listings without the word, jigsaw, and exclude listings that you already viewed from the first search. Be warned. The search phrase will return not just jigsaw puzzles.

One more point to be aware of is that Craigslist limits search to a specific category. The category that you most likely want to search in is for sale. Recommend doing the first search from the main local homepage as this will show number of listings in all categories.
Lastly, feel free to experiment and visit Craigslist Search Help for more tips. Try different variations, including misspelled words, like puzzel, and create a Craigslist account to receive email on new listings that matches your search.
How much should I pay for jigsaw puzzles?
Assuming you didn’t find any free jigsaw puzzles, the price will vary depending on puzzle’s condition, number of pieces, the material, if used or not, and the seller’s optimism. After monitoring listings for a while, you can narrow down what the average price or price range for jigsaw puzzles are in your local area. We use prices from local library book sales as a benchmarks. In addition, some sellers are willing to haggle, but most do not. Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what price you are comfortable paying for.
What safety precautions should I take when buying puzzles from Craigslist?
1. Get as much detail about the puzzles before agreeing to meet in person. Ask questions or for more photos if the listings is not clear enough.
2. Coordinate to meet in busy public places, preferably during daylight hours, such as parking lots of popular box stores or police stations.
3. Bring someone along with you if possible. They can keep an eye out while you inspect the puzzles.
4. If you don’t wish to contact seller via your personal email or phone, then use a spam email account if you don’t have one already. Look into using Google Voice to create a disposable phone number that will forward calls to your main number, but can be thrown away.
5. Check Craigslist for additional safety tips and avoiding scams.
Overall, we hope these tips are helpful. Let us know, what puzzles you have gotten from Craigslist or any other tips for buying jigsaw puzzles safely on Craigslist. Happy hunting and puzzling!
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