Coffee and Donuts is a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle from Buffalo’s Signature Collection. The illustration is a bird’s eye view of scrumptious and colorful doughnuts and one cup of coffee. Overall, a fun and moderately challenging jigsaw puzzle.

Title: Coffee and Donuts
Pieces: 1000
Artist: Aimee Stewart
Size: 27in x 20in or 68cm x 50cm
Company: Buffalo Games
Year Printed: ?
It was difficult to find any description on Buffalo Games’ website describing what the Signature Collection is about. In examining other puzzles in the collection, there was no discernible theme or pattern. One assumption was that Signature is Buffalo’s premium tier puzzles. However, when comparing prices on Buffalo Games’ website, all the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles were priced the same, except for the ones on sale. So that cannot be it. Leave us a comment, if you have an idea what the theme for the Signature Collection is suppose to be about.
The initial plan to solve Coffee and Donuts was to sort for the following patterns: border pieces, coffee, and donuts by specific colors. As there are thirty three (33) doughnuts in the illustration, we would need more space to sort the puzzles. In the actual build, the pink donuts were very similar to each other and was a challenge to sort correctly.
It took three people a little over three hours and forty minutes (3:40:29) to complete Coffee and Donuts. The more challenging parts of the puzzle were the pink donuts and the white background with sprinkles. We did not account for white background with sprinkles in the sort, which made it challenging to complete donuts with their center.
With completion of Coffee and Donuts as the 18th puzzle, we have now completed more than 20% of the 87 puzzle collection. Leave us a comment if there are any other puzzles from Buffalo’s Signature Collection that you would want us to solve.