- Anie Maltais used wide variety of artistic patterns.
- Has bright, bold colors that are eye-catching.
- Considerably challenging due to variety and some repetitive patterns.

Title: Fairies Garden
Pieces: 1000
Artist: Anie Maltais
Size: 27in x 20in or 70cm x 50cm
Company: JaCaRou
Year Printed: 2016
In Fairies Garden, Anie Maltais used different and repeating patterns to create a beautiful illustration that convey a happy spring time. The variety of patterns is very noticeable. For example, the fairies’ garden homes all have different patterns. Even the tree stump, stairs, and tree trunk had their own distinctive patterns. Furthermore, the leaves and flowers looked similar to each other and covered a wide portion of the puzzle. Additionally, the color palette was bright and bold. Specifically, the background used a bright blue to orange tone that drew my eyes toward the light blue acorn house in the center of the illustration.
Initially, the plan was to sort the pieces into the following groups: borders, fairy houses, stairs, tree stump, fairies, and tree trunks. The leaves, branches, and flowers were left in their own unsorted pile. However, we ended up assembling as we sorted instead of waiting to finish sorting first. Therefore, there was a lot of hunting for unsorted pieces.
Additionally, the puzzle’s interlocking was great, because the puzzle did not fall apart when assembled sections were picked up to connect with other sections.
Overall, the blue-orange sky and background with the leaves and flowers were the most challenging section. Those pieces spanned a large area and were repetitive. The easiest parts were the fairy houses because their patterns were distinctive and localized, especially the light blue acorn house. It took us four and half hours (4:30:46) to complete the puzzle, which is considerably more challenging than most 1000pc puzzles.
Finally, Fairies Garden is the 39th solved puzzle from our 87 puzzle collection. Leave us a comment if there are any other JaCaRou puzzles that you would want us to review.
Definitely looks like a hard puzzle.