- Three adorable kittens playing with knitting supplies on a quilt.
- Deceptively harder than it looks due to multitude of patterns to sort.
- Safety tip: Strings are dangerous toys for cats to play with unsupervised.

Title: Knitting Kittens
Pieces: 750
Artist: Irina Garmashova-Cawton
Size: 24in x 18in or 61cm x 46cm
Company: Buffalo Games
Year Printed: ?
Knitting Kittens is a 750 piece puzzle from Buffalo Games and part of their Cats Collection series. The puzzle features three kittens playing with strings, yarns, and ribbons on a multi-pattern quilt. The colors are bright and bold and palette covers the full rainbow spectrum. The illustration makes you want to snuggle up to the kittens and play with them.
However, on a more serious note. Strings, yarns, ribbons, and other long filaments are dangerous to cats, especially when ingested. The string can disrupt their digestion and get caught in their gastrointestinal tracts. Due to cat’s barb tongue, it is hard for cats to spit out foreign object unless they throw up or pass it out. Therefore, don’t let cats play with strings or yarns unsupervised and secure those times .
The strategy for solving Knitting Kittens was to sort the pieces into the following piles: 1) border, 2) kittens, 3) strings, yarns, and ribbons, and 4) quilt. The border was assembled first, followed by distinctive strings, yarns, and ribbons. Next were the kittens and quilt.
The puzzle was harder than it looks as the assumption was that the kittens’ distinctive colors would make it easier. However, the quilt consisted of repeating patterns, that took a bit longer to properly sort and assemble. Overall, it took three puzzlers, over three hours (03:05:48) to complete. Unfortunately, the elapse time reported in the video is off as timer was not resumed for about twenty two minutes. In the time lapse video, the quilt was the last part to be completed. Typically for Cats Collection, the cat is usually the last.
Lastly, Knitting Kittens is our 37th puzzle from our 87 puzzle collection. Leave us a comment if there are any other Cats Collection puzzle that you would want us to review.
Bookmarked, really like it.