We have never worked on an octagonal puzzle before. This is our first one and we got it from a library book sale for 50 cents. We considered this a vintage puzzle as it was made in 1983, more than 35 years ago. Watch the video to find out how we assembled the puzzle.
Title: Sweet Sentiments
Pieces: 500
Artist: Hallmark
Company: Springbok
Year Printed: 1983
The image consists of numerous Hallmark greeting cards from the early 1900s. Laces and hearts were common elements for those cards.

High quality made puzzle pieces. Thick, which provided for great interlocking. Could lift the entire puzzle up without the pieces coming apart. The back of the puzzle was an evergreen color. Puzzle box was large, which made it easy to see where individual puzzle pieces go.
Due to the octagonal puzzle shape, the individual puzzle pieces had unique shapes. For example, there were several small pieces shaped like a “plus” symbol that have straight edges. This made sorting more challenging . could fit on border and internally. For a 500 piece puzzle, the edge was more difficult to build than a regular rectangular shaped puzzle.
Overall, this was a fun and challenging puzzle to put together. For 500 pieces, it look longer than we expected as there were tiny pieces that looked like edge pieces but were not. Let us know if there are any other octagonal puzzles you would like us to review.